Join the Queen’s Green Canopy initiative with the Friends of the Hurtwood QGC fund

Join the Queen's Green Canopy initiative with the Friends of the Hurtwood QGC fund

Join in the Queen’s Green Canopy (QGC) initiative to celebrate the 70th Jubilee Year of the Queen’s reign by planting trees.

Through a donation to the Friends of the Hurtwood QGC fund, you will help to plant a dedicated local Surrey Hills site with a selection of native trees.

In this year of growing concern about climate change, trees are being heralded as crucial to the reduction of CO2 in the atmosphere.

You may already know that growing trees absorb more CO2 than mature trees.

As many of us do not have the space to plant trees in our own gardens, Friends of the Hurtwood are starting a fundraising campaign amongst FOTH members, Hurtwood landowners and the public at large to enable the planting of a Queen’s Green Canopy copse.

Their initial aim is to raise £2,400 for a site in Shere Heath. If more funds are raised, further sites will be identified for creating additional copses.

For more information and to DONATE please visit

From the funds raised Friends of the Hurtwood will purchase, plant and maintain trees in the specific sites around the Hurtwood. A roster of contributors will be acknowledged on their website.

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